Thursday, July 28, 2011

Solving the Debt Problem

Let me preface this blog post by saying that I am by no means a political expert.  Nor do I fully understand (at least from an inside-Washington standpoint) exactly what goes into passing bills, agreeing on provisions, etc.  Additionally, I am by no means trying to start any kind of us-vs.-them political arguments. 

With that said, the arguments going on regarding the debt ceiling are a joke to me.  Not in the sense that this isn't an important issue that should be tackled by our representatives in Congress, but in the sense that it's just really stupid to see both sides (Republicans and Democrats) stand so rigidly against the other like this is some big game of 'chicken'.  It seems too often as though our leaders are more concerned with getting re-elected or getting the incumbent out of office that they don't stop to really think about what our country (and its people) truly want/need.

It's the same old story with the same old talking points.  "Republicans should end the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals in America," say the Democrats.  "Oh, but Democrats just wanted to spend, spend, spend," retort the Republicans.  One thing is clear.  Congress can solve this problem is by doing one of three things: (1) decrease costs (spending), (2) increase revenues, or (3) a combination of both.  Either way, our net revenues need to be greater than our net expenses/costs, or we go further into debt.

We could spend all day debating the merits of ending tax cuts, or increasing the capital gains tax so that wealthy hedge fund managers don't pay a lower tax rate than their secretary, or why it is better to have a big government (more regulation) vs. a smaller government (less regulation).  Or, we could look at ways we can work together to solve this issue.  TOGETHER.

Enter Representative Jared Polis (D-Colorado). 

Mr. Polis has proposed four immediate ways to help solve the debt ceiling issue with raising taxes OR cutting spending.

In summary, he believes the following four steps can be taken right now to help increase revenues without raising taxes on American citizens:

(1) Legalize marijuana - already legal in 16 states, taxes on medical marijuana bring in millions of dollars annually.  A 2005 study by a Harvard University professor estimates this number could reach $2.4 billion if pot were made legal nationwide.

(2) Legalize online poker - I wrote about the merits of this in a blog post a couple months back, but Mr. Polis agrees that by changing federal laws relating to online gambling (i.e. legalizing it, making sure it is regulated to protect individuals but also give them the freedom to play, etc.) can bring in a lot more money, as much as $42 billion annually, according to one estimate not cited in the article.

(3) Stricter immigration laws - require the more than 10 million illegal immigrants living in the US to obtain legal status and pay back taxes and fees.  Such measures could raise as much as $5.4 billion in revenues.  Alternatively, immigration reform (including bills considered by the Senate in 2007) could bring in $12 billion by 2012 and $48 billion by 2017.

(4) One-year tax amnesty program - allow tax evaders one year to 'get right' without facing penalties.  This would encourage (at least some) current tax evaders to try and pay taxes owed that they may not otherwise pay.  According to the article, one study by Arthur Laffer (economic advisor to Ronald Reagan) found that one year of amnesty could bring in $800 billion to $1 trillion (yup, TRILLION) in revenues over the course of a decade.

Granted, while the above are based on estimates or studies and are not 100% guaranteed facts, they definitely shed some light on the fact that even though our government cannot agree on how to ultimately solve the debt issue, there are a number of things that could be done in the meantime to generated much-needed revenues that would appease the majority of Democrats and Republicans.

We can argue the morality of legalizing marijuana and online poker, as well as the pros and cons of tax amnesty and immigration reform.  We may not all agree, and that's fine.  But at least we'll be debating something that matters in a productive manner, instead of simply sticking to our guns and trying to not cave in and let the other guy look good. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Clear Some Space Out So We Can Space Out

I went and saw Portugal. The Man for a third time a couple weeks ago at the Rickshaw Stop here in San Francisco.  Sweet venue, great band, no complaints.

Aside from a couple DJs, the openers were a band called White Arrows, a group of long-haired twenty-somethings donned in Hawaiian shirts.  Currently, they only have one EP out, which is appropriately titled 'White Arrows - EP'.  However, I have a feeling we'll be hearing more from them in the months to come.

Additionally, today marked the unveiling of the lineup for San Francisco's Treasure Island Music Festival.  Overall, the lineup looks pretty promising.  One inclusion I'm excited for is Shabazz Palaces, an electro-hip-hop group from Seattle.

 Shabazz Palaces - Swerve... by subpop

And another one:

The group's full-length debut, "Black Up" is available now, and the beats are ridiculous.

Monday, July 11, 2011

She Shoots, She Scores?

Maybe it's the soccer fan in me, or maybe I had nothing better to do on a Sunday morning, but I have to admit that watching the United States women's soccer team beat Brazil in the quarterfinals of the Women's World Cup got me pretty jacked up.  I literally yelled when Abby Wambach headed in the tying goal in the 122nd minute to force the match to penalty kicks (see: Short-Handed U.S. Stuns Brazil, wins in PKs).

Abby Wambach heads in the tying goal in the 122nd minute

I'll also admit that women's sports do not generally excite me.  It's not because they are inferior (at least not in all cases) to men's sports.  It's primarily because I am a male and can relate more closely to male sports than I can to female sports.  I know what it's like to throw a touchdown pass, get sacked by a defender, or get hit in the leg with a fastball. However, I'm a bit inexperienced when it comes to hitting a fast-pitch softball or spiking a volleyball down some girl's throat.

But on Sunday, sitting on my couch, I was pumped.  My heart was beating like I was watching the biggest sporting event of the year.  It brought be back to 1999 when the U.S. women defeated China 5-4 on penalty kicks to win the World Cup (see: Brandi Chastain hits decisive PK and takes her shirt off in celebration). 

In fact, it even brought me back to just last year when I was watching the U.S. men trying to advance in their own World Cup.  The U.S. women's match was able to equal the level of interest, excitement, and nerves as the men's matches a year ago, at least for me personally.

It seems as though the rest of the country is getting energized and excited by this match as well.  LeBron James recently tweeted the following via his Twitter account:

"USA!! #HopeSolo. Congrats ladies!"

Whether you're a soccer fan or not (but especially if you are), the U.S. women have a chance to do something the U.S. men have been unable to do: win the biggest championship their sport has to offer.  Doing so not only helps create excitement for the sport of soccer within the United States, it also gives it some legitimacy.  Let's embrace the fact the Team USA might actually be the best in the world at something other than basketball.