Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How can you love me, when you don't like me, baby?

I apologize for the lack of posts in the past week and a half.  I am currently finishing the process of moving residences within San Francisco, and have spent a lot of time packing, moving, unpacking, putting things away, splurging at IKEA, and putting furniture together.  As a result, there was very little time to blog.

Anyhow, yesterday was new music Tuesday (literally one of my favorite days of the week besides the weekend).  A number of good albums came out, but one I really want to toss out there is the self-titled debut from Unknown Mortal Orchestra.  It received an 8.1 rating (out of 10) from Pitchfork (my primary source of musical news, etc.).  Basically, anything over an 8 is considered really good. 
I've had the pleasure of seeing this band live twice in the past couple months. It took a little while, but I really started to get into their music.  If you're into psychedelic rock, give it a shot. 

You can stream the entire album here.  Or, just buy it on iTunes.  Better yet, buy it on vinyl for $14 and get the free download card. 

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Side note, it's been a little more than one year to the day that I started my vinyl collection.  Not only that, but it was approximately one year ago that I attended the Portugal. The Man concert at The Fillmore with my girlfriend and my friend who was visiting The City (looking at you, Adam Toy).  Anyhow, the picture behind my blog title was actually taken at The Fillmore during that concert, so technically I am in there somewhere (on the right towards the back, if I remember correctly).

Happy Wednesday!

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