I've learned today that my good friend, former roommate, and co-49er season ticket holder, Josh Burstein, has just been selected as Charlie Sheen's summer social media intern. It was announced via Charlie Sheen's twitter yesterday.
As strange and far-fetched as the idea of this announcement may have ever seemed (see: Charlie Sheen gets 74,000 applicants for 'Tiger Blood Intern' role), the fact that Josh not only applied, but won, is not surprising in the least bit.
I first met Josh in the Fall of 2008 on the 3rd Floor (Ross House) of Cole Hall at the University of Wisconsin (Go Badgers!). Our first conversation basically consisted of Josh telling me about a summer internship at ESPN in New York and borrowing my Memento DVD, which he would return a few months later (literally the next time we would converse). There was also some talk of Keira Knightly, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the fact that Josh was half Asian / half Jewish.
We eventually became friends, and shared residences for the next few years. Josh has always been sort of the life of the party. He has the inherent ability to attract people, including insatiable girls who eat our leftover Ian's pizza and loudly proclaim their race from the bedroom in the middle of the night. Josh is also a bona fide self-starter. I've honestly lost track of all the internships he's had, and he has recently started a non-profit for what I believe is an extremely legitimate cause.
He's created video (yes, video) power hours, hosted multiple "Mustachio Bashios", and even has a cameo appearance in cinematic legend that is The Last Kiss. Of the many other unforgettable moments over the past few years, I will never - for the rest of my life - forget the time Josh acted upon the priceless opportunity to ghost ride his car into a tree.
Suffice to say that at any given time Josh is capable of doing something crazy, ridiculous, awesome, or potentially stupid. He's also one of the most successful people I know. Thus, he's obviously perfect for this internship.
Here's the winning final round video application:
Winning, indeed. Congrats, bud!
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